Trip down memory lane: Danger Zones’ entry page of LD30

Ludum Dare is an event where game developers, hobbyists or professionals, will make a game i.e. jam, within a small timeframe where the theme for the event is revealed right at the start. When I participated in LD30 back in 2014, the event lasted 48 hours and the theme was “Connected worlds”.

2014 is ten years ago already, I can’t t even find the entry page anymore because the Ludum Dare website doesn’t keep records for that long. But I did manage to find the page using

I will try to add that page as accurately as possible to this blog post for your enjoyment, bear with me…

Enter: “Danger Zones”

This is what the top of the entry page looks like, look at that fancy title screen!


Overall not bad right? I’ll be the first to admit that my game wasn’t much to look at, I focused mainly on the gameplay and originality and those are indeed rated higher.


Fellow participants of Ludum Dare are very kind as you see, their comments are highly motivational.


Before the LD30 event started I read a tip somewhere to record a timelapse of your game’s creation, I decided to do this, and I’m very glad I did.

This timelapse video clearly indicates that I’m a programmer at heart, that MonoDevelop editor is the star of the show. Lots of code is being added while I add simple cubes and beams in various colors to my scene, and some lighting as well 🎇.

But where does Danger Zones stand now?

Since its inception in LD30, Danger Zones has undergone a significant visual transformation, this is how the new title screen looks currently:

Current title screen for "Danger Zones"

I plan to make a gameplay trailer soon, but if you can’t wait to actually try the latest version, feel free to sign up for the beta program, which can currently be done on the homepage:

Thank you for reading my post and taking a trip down memory lane with me, until next time!

Spread the word! 🌟

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